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(In)effabilis Felicitas

A visual novel project

Thank you for taking interest in my main project! 
(In)effabilis Felicitas is a visual novel I'm creating all by myself using Renpy as my editor software since 2018.

(In)effabilis Felicitas: Texte

What happened in (In)effabilis Felicitas ?

Summary :
After the Great Incident - involving BIG ecological problems - a part of the Earth population succeed to survive by creating a space protected by a gigantic dome.
Traumatized by this event (it was nearly extinction of human kind !), this population became revolutionaries, but stricto sensus, in other words they became obsessed by going back to their roots when Earth was still "healthy".
So they began step by step to dress like during the 19th century, having antique and medieval names, their values changed, the religious curiosity came back, etc... A big idealization of past grew up.

Many years later, after this new civilisation was fully settled, nobody even knows what is happening outside the Dome. Do people are still alive ? What is the exact ecological state on Earth ?

Unfortunately, Alpaide, a domanian young woman, will find herself on the outside by accident.
An outside really really different compared to her home.

(In)effabilis Felicitas: Études de cas
(In)effabilis Felicitas: Pro Gallery



(In)effabilis Felicitas: Texte
meet alpaide.png
(In)effabilis Felicitas: Image
Meet Lysian.png
(In)effabilis Felicitas: Image
meet eumène.png
(In)effabilis Felicitas: Image
meet nantechilde.png
(In)effabilis Felicitas: Image

More character presentations coming soon !

(In)effabilis Felicitas: Texte
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